Friends of Hambrook Primary School
Friends of Hambrook School (FoHS)
FoHS is a registered charity open to parents/carers, teaching staff and Governors. We hold a number of fundraising events during the year including a Christmas and summer fair, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day gift room, movie night, school discos and cake sales.
The FoHS Committee is made up of a Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and Class Reps. The current committee members are:
Chair: Jenny Watts
Vice Chair: Steph Chick
Treasurer: Kirsty Erwood-Britton
Secretary: Position Vacant
Class Reps:
Reception: Brooke Irwin and Kate Khan
Year 1: Steph Chick
Year 2: Bahareh Vahabi and Maria Sharp
Year 3: Hannah Keary and Gemma Emmett
Year 4: Natalie Templeton-Dudley
Year 5: Kate Webster and Naomi Hoare
Year 6: Ams Derry and Abi Wilson
The Committee meets once a month and decides what events to run and liaise with the school as to how to spend the money raised (this extends to offering ideas but clearly any decision as to how the money is spent is with the school).
We are always on the lookout for more volunteers. Whether that is joining the committee or helping at events we hold. Not being a committee member does not mean you aren’t very welcome to help at events - it’s always the more the merrier!
Useful Links
FoHS Facebook Page
Hambrook Primary Preloved Uniform Page
The way to purchase tickets to any of the FoHS events is via the app Classlist. This can be downloaded and a log in created.
FoHS Meeting Minutes
This will be empty until next academic year. We will then produce minutes for each meeting in an agreed format.
Get in Touch
Please feel free to email and questions or suggestions to;